Last year I decided that I really was too poor to afford all these fancy ornaments anyway so time to do something different and practice my hand at making them stuff, and all my money was used to buy fancy gifts for my family who I can never figure out what to get and usually just get them a DVD or something.
I had been sewing for a good six years now many, many different costumes and I try to keep the larger scraps of fabric for later use just in case I need them. Well I never found a use for them and often being in odd shapes I had no clue what to do with them so I decided to give those to my friends. But sewn together. In fancy patterns. With a theme. And stuffing inside.
Yes I made them pillows! Fancy decorative pillows!
I inconspicuously sent them a message in October I believe asking them who their favourite Disney character was (a common, neutral theme amongst my friend were that they are huge Disney fans) and they replied back and I got to work drawing out basic designs for each friend then tweaking it in accordance to the cut of fabric I had.
In the end I produced seven of these fabulous pillows and I must say I like them quite a bit. Though they did take up a lot of space in my room between completion and distribution.
And I can remember what each scrap of fabric came from and for a special added Disney treat, in each pillow I added a scrap of fabric from some Disney fabric. Last year when I worked at Disneyland, I had access to the Company store where they sell outdated merchandise, old hotel funiture, and even fabric that the costume department doesn't need anymore. I got this white, shiny fabric that I think either was used for Tiana's dress or the Soundsational Parade Princess dancers, and I got a lot of it so since it was Disney fabric, I decided to use a piece of it in each pillow.
I also wrote the name of each character as they would autograph something were you to meet them in the park (except not Loki).
Chopin from Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Fabrics used:Rapunzel purple
Mother Gothel red
Mother Gothel gold trim
Random Pirate gold
Random Pirate ivory
Mrs. Lovett's red fringe
Anna Sackville-Bagg velvet
White Disney Fabric
Alice from Alice in Wonderland
Fabrics Used:Park Alice blue and white cotton
Haku dragon white ribbon
Dickens Fair black ribbon
Burton Alice blue sheer
Disney Park fabric ruffle
Donald Duck
Fabrics Used:Sailor Jupiter white trim
Kanmuri Shigeru blue cotton
Susan Pevensie daisy fabric
Kiki's red ribbon
Disney White Fabric at neckline
Jane Porter from Tarzan
Fabrics Used:Mother Gothel silk yellow
Mrs Lovetts' paisley gold
Random Pirate gold
Rapunzel purple
Burton Alice lace
Disney White Fabric neckline
Loki from Thor and The Avengers
Fabrics Used:Dickens Fair green
Random scrap fabric gold
Susan Pevensie brown leather
Mother Gothel cloak black
Disney White Fabric at top
Peter Pan from Peter Pan
Mother Gothel trim
Failed Hook Tinkerbell attempt brown
Chihiro green
Susan Pevensie suede thread
Dickens Fair feather
Disney White fabric at neckline
I also did a Raymond one from Princess and the Frog but I can't seem to find any of my pictures of it.
So this year I once again asked my friend a vague question that they have no clue what it is in relation to, and I plan to make something else in response to their answers. I could sew them something again since I have so many fabric scraps still, but everyone shall have to wait and see.
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