
Friday, 22 November 2013

Flashback Friday: The Sixth

In honour of the 50th Doctor Who Anniversary tomorrow I shall post one of my many humorous Doctor Who stories.

ROR-E, a fun WALL-E parody. Rory WIlliams from Doctor Who.
This happened last year, Summer 2012. It is amazing who ends up being a fan of Doctor Who. Did you know that pretty much most of the management and cast members on the Hollywoodland side of Disney California Adventure are massive Who Fans? Because they are. And even if they aren't fans, they know of the show because of everyone else around them being fans.

There was one lead in Bug's Land who would get obsessed with something and urge others to become obsessed and during my working time there that obsession was Doctor Who. There were pictures all over the Bug's Lead office and we would solve Doctor Who secrets on the white board (that was really supposed to be used for important Disney things). There was a cast photo taken for the grand re-opening and those of us that weren't in the picture drew ourselves in- I won because I drew myself standing inside a T.A.R.D.I.S. floating above everyone else. Oh yeah, they were pretty jealous.

My lead got a gift and had to show it off. Now I wasn't the only on with one.

Well this story takes place one afternoon. I had the opening shift and I was on my last break of the day. Usually I spent it in the lead office talking to the lead if they weren't busy, usually about Doctor Who since I knew more about it, and this time was no different only there was a manager visiting. Managers at Disneyland are fun and while they do their job, they are often some of the coolest people ever. Example, this manager, whom I had never met before, had brought a bunch of papers with weeping angels and T.A.R.D.I.S.s on them that you cut out and fold up to make 3D paper Doctor Who things.

I believe this represents fair warning.  HahaThey were sitting there cutting and folding and pasting these and asked if I wanted to help so I joined in, having nothing better to do on my break. The manager explained that in the manager's office there was one manager who was beyond obsessed with Doctor Who and were coming in later that day. So for fun, they were going to put an army of paper weeping angels and T.A.R.D.I.S.s on his desk. I couldn't say 'no' to that.

I never did get to see the final result since I was off the clock and well at home by then, but I heard from my lead that the manager loved it and thought it was brilliant.

Yep just another random day working for the mouse.

These are the two leads that were obsessed. Clearly.

Gosh, I miss those dorks.


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